A generation that is well equipped with knowledge indeed is a valuable asset to a civilization. Without knowledge, a civilization will be on the brink of destruction. In the Qur’an, God has emphasized the importance of knowledge that is capable to define and uphold men’s dignity. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to preserve and prioritize the sanctity of knowledge. It is equally vital that knowledge must be accompanied with good morality and virtuous characters, as its isolation, the knowledge will result in vain. The road to success is not always a bed of roses. Success comes with determination and willingness to strive for the best. As a student, there are many challenges that have to be faced towards building strong characters that revolve around virtues and resistance to vice. Therefore, an excellent student is not only success in his or her academics but he or she is the one who has the ability to build virtuous characters and possesses the good quality that a dignified human being must have and be able to lead by example as well as to have the ability to make wise judgment as to what is good and bad. A good student as well, is the one who at all times observe and maintain good relationship between him and the Creator, relationship with the parents, the lecturers, friends, and those around him as this would revive one’s conscience in reiterating the importance to do good deeds to others in realization to one’s obligation towards submission to the will of God.
Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah the Almighty for His blessing, a special thank to my parents, my brothers and sisters for their tireless support and encouragement through good and bad times. I would also want to thank my lecturers, particularly my lecturers from Department of Usuluddin & Comparative Religion, Department of History and Civilization as well as all the lecturers from Kulliyyah of IRKHS for their undying effort to impart vast knowledge to us, the students. To all my friends, the graduates of IIUM 2008, congratulation guys! But remember, this is not the end of our journey. The real challenge is waiting for us right outside the university’s gate. There’s a real challenge that we have to face and there is real responsibility that we must be ready to carry. The nation needs us to make this world a better place.
To this end, I am hoping that this generation is capable of being the generation that is strongly guided by the Qur’an and its virtues, all geared up to face the worldly challenges in preparation for the eternal ending in the hereafter.
CONGRATULATION for class of 2008!:)